sArAh MiCheLLe GeLLaR
Vital Statistics
Birthplace: New York City
Age: 25
Birthdate: April 14th, 1977
Height: 5'2"
Eyes: Green
Hair: Color Dark Brown (Naturally)
Color: Red
Food: Pasta
Least Favorite Food: Meatloaf and liver
Movie: The Princess Bride
TV Show: Party of Five
Actor: Tom Cruise
Actress: Stockard Channing
Season: Summer
Vacation Spot: Bermuda
Book: Gone With the Wind
Pets: Maltese Terrier named Thor, Akita named Tyson
Hobbies: Ice Skating, Scuba Diving, Rollerblading
Sports: Ice Skating, Football
Sports: Team New York Giants
Music: Billy Joel
Piece of Clothing: Motorcycle Jacket
Tattoos: Chinese Symbol For Integrity (back), Heart & Dagger (ankle), Celtic symbol (left hip)